Community Learning Center and Library reopens after COVID-19 closure

As one of the measures to alleviate the spread of COVID-19, the government of Rwanda ordered closure of public venues such as schools, libraries and community centers. Our Center had also been closed for seven months until recently approved to reopen. We did so on November 30.

To fulfill requirements for reopening, we put in place a range of prevention measures including:

  • A COVID-19 task force composed of three employees trained on COVID-19 during our Kalendari INEZA project. The task force ensures we are in compliance with COVID-19 prevention measures on a daily basis.

  • An isolation room equipped with a bed and emergency supplies in the event that a COVID-19 case is detected.

  • Banners with COVID-19 information placed at all doors, tables, on the front facade of the main building and on the community bulletin board.

  • A hand washing station installed at the entrance of the main building. Every person visiting the center washes their hands before entering.

  • COVID-19 prevention kit with an infrared thermometer, hand sanitizer, gloves, masks and other supplies were purchased.

  • Maximum class-size. All seats are marked in all classrooms and the maximum capacity in every classroom is 15 persons.