REAP awarded the 2021 US Embassy Annual Program Statement Grant for the SEED Project (Strengthen Entrepreneurship, Equity and Dignity)

To support the first year of the SEED Project (Strengthening Entrepreneurship, Equity and Dignity), the Embassy grant will enable REAP to renovate Ihuriro Community Center and initiate a community led sewing cooperative.  An abandoned building about 100 meters from REAP’s Community Learning Center and Library,  the Ihuriro Community Center will serve as a site for the SEED Project in which a community led sewing cooperative, under guidance from REAP, will meet the essential needs of the community by producing reusable sanitary napkins and school uniforms. Additionally, REAP plans to open a tailoring vocational training school in 2023/24 for unemployed high school graduates in the community.

Our two-student health and reproductive health clubs from the Duha School will lead a five-month reproductive health campaign at three schools and many other public venues throughout the Musha Community. The SEED Project employs youths, women and men in the community to promote entrepreneurship, sexual and reproductive health, as well as employment and income generation.