The SEED Project (Strengthening Entrepreneurship, Equity and Dignity)

The SEED project (Strengthening Entrepreneurship, Equity, and Dignity), supported by a start-up grant from the U.S. Embassy, reinforces the spirit of community resilience and leadership. From the ashes of an abandoned building, REAP is assisting the renovation of this site, activating a sewing cooperative, addressing the need for sustainable sanitary napkins, and raising gender equity. The program includes five integrative components sequenced over three years:

  • Sexual and Reproductive Health Education Community Campaign led by our two student clubs from Duha Complex School.
  • Production of sustainable sanitary napkins
  • Formation of "INEZIGABA", a community sewing cooperative
  • Manufacturing of school uniforms, everyday clothing and work uniforms for local businesses.
  • Creation of a tailoring vocational training school for unemployed high school graduates

Community Board

REAP, in partnership with local Rwandan government representatives, has formed a board of 12 volunteer community members and Duha School teachers. The board meets at least twice a month at the CLCL and reports to REAP and the government. Volunteers design and implement community mobilization efforts at the CLCL as well as ensuring the center's security and maintenance.

Student Clubs Supporting Girls

I. Basketball

In 2017, REAP and Duha Complex School came together to make the students’ dreams a reality by installing a basketball court at the school. In 2019, the Duha Girls' Basketball Team placed first in the Rwamagana District, containing 77 schools. The Duha Girls' team dethroned the reigning champions, who held the title for three years in a row.

II.Girl Guides

REAP recognizes the obstacles Rwandan girls face and strives to build their leadership skills. In that regard, REAP offers several programs, including Girl Guides, which teaches entrepreneurial and leadership skills. Girl guides raise and sell piglets to move toward financial independence and to develop business skills.

III. Tuseme “Let’s speak out” Club

The club comprises boys and girls who uses drama and theater to speak out, raise awareness and address issues hindering girls social and academic success.

IV. Sexual and Reproductive Health Club

The club educates students and the community about sexual and reproductive health. The club also ensure girls on campus have access and use the girls (in day schools a room with bathroom, supplies, painkillers and a bed for girls’ room in menstruation) in collaboration with teacher mentors.

V.Girls Leading Our World (G.L.O.W) Club

In collaboration with Ready for Reading, Global G.L.O.W and LitWorld, INEZA Community Learning Center and Library is home to a mentorship program for girls. The mentor, working as a full-time librarian at the CLCL for the next two years, will ensure girls have equitable access the resources in the REAP Library. Additionally, training and programs deepen self-esteem, foster self-advocacy, and increase access to economic opportunity through technolical and financial literacy. With a holistic approach to physical and mental health, the program supports girls as they come to explore themselves and their community.
